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Writer's pictureTracy Envernizzi

Tunnel Vision of Oneness

I captured this photo on my morning walk today, April 16, 2024


Thank you Jeanne Appleweed for inspiring me to write the following:

I'm loving feeling one with others. I am able to allow my spirit/soul to climb into their experiences. Be it those I follow who know me or don't, I can feel their joy and experience it within me as them.

We have all felt empathy for the suffering, after all, it's always there, and that's ok. But what about the beautiful experiences others are haveing within themselves, their wonderfully close relationships with loved ones, including their travel to exotic places on this beautiful earth?

I am that beautiful woman, that beautiful man, that beautiful child experiencing right along with them, their joy. The joy of their body and its abilities, the joy of their happiness and laughter, I am experiencing it with them.

The days of separation, envy and lack are gone we can celebrate all the beautiful parts of others' experiences now. I am loving stepping into the all with others. And it's made available through social media. I appreciate social media for this reason.

I love my new TUNNEL VISION OF ONENESS with the all.

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