Chapter 1: Rising Intuition - Part 3
The closer I observed her unusual behaviors, the more I noticed how frequent they were becoming. She hit objects together excessively and rarely responded when her name was called. There was also a regression in her desire to hold a spoon and feed herself. Her entire demeanor was changing to one with frequent bouts of crying, which was completely out of her character. As the perplexing puzzle of concerning behaviors became apparent, a natural surge of motherly urgency set in. I could feel my intuition stepping into its power. This rising intuition would become my strongest ally and guide.
During this shift, my intuition took full control. The voice that had kept me from moving forward subsided, losing its power over me. The back and forth battle within my mind was finally over. My higher self's intuition became the victor, at least in this initial battle. Witnessing my intuition take control, guiding how I managed my thoughts and concerns, filled me with a new strength. My fears were replaced with a bold and growing determination to follow my intuition's lead. My decision to keep my discoveries about my daughter’s regressive behaviors to myself, had changed. I was ready to share the news without reservations. Now was the time to fully embrace the new reality and all its many challenges. Checking in with my intuition became a new practice, and I rested in the knowledge that it would guide me perfectly, and it did just that.